Actually, just the past week.
A week ago today (Sunday), my wife confirmed what we had been hoping would not be true: That she is pregnant with our fourth child.
We wanted three children, and had two boys and one girl (now ages 8, 5 and 3). On our own time. According to plan. And, we were done with our family, and planning a trip to Disney World next June.
Good thing we didn't put a deposit down because God had other plans.
Without going into too much detail, suffice to say that Amy and I needed some medical assistance for her to get pregnant with our three children. With no more need for that assistance, we were not as careful and figured our family was complete with the five of us.
But, as noted above, God had other plans (okay, with assistance from Amy and me).
We both enjoy being parents, and love our three children all very much. And, we'll love child #4 equally very much.
So, we're making plans and looking to deal with issues like Amy likely quiting her job next summer, finding additional room in our home, buying baby clothes, toys and other stuff -- after selling most of it in garage sales the past two summers!
We definitely don't have all the answers.
But, we do know we have to have faith in God and that -- as long as we have faith, pray and do all we humanly can to find the answers -- it'll all work out for the best when the time comes.
We just gotta have faith.
-- Michael
So, we're making plans and looking to deal with issues like Amy likely quiting her job next summer, finding additional room in our home, buying baby clothes, toys and other stuff -- after selling most of it in garage sales the past two summers!
We definitely don't have all the answers.
But, we do know we have to have faith in God and that -- as long as we have faith, pray and do all we humanly can to find the answers -- it'll all work out for the best when the time comes.
We just gotta have faith.
-- Michael