Sunday, May 25, 2008

Dear Church: Please Keep America Out of Worship

Yes, this is Memorial Day Weekend.

Yes, I dearly love the United States of America -- no matter what many politicians and other individuals have done -- this is the best country in the world.

Our founding fathers sought out a new world for, among other reasons, religious freedom. They wanted to worship God without fear of retribution or other harm from the government.

They created a government -- and brought in God.

God is above all.

So, please church leaders (including those in the music ministries) -- and I'm specifically speaking to the Roman Catholic Church (because I am Catholic) -- keep America out of Mass (or worship service, for the non-Catholic Christians).
I go to church to worship God. Not to worship my country.

America brings in God because most of us feel we need a higher power. We need divine direction in our lives.

The Church (whatever Church you attend) does not need America. We need just to worship God.

I walked out of Mass this morning when the organist started playing America the Beautiful. It furiates me to no end. I'm at church to worship God. Not to worship America.

So, please Roman Catholic Church: Do not lower the purpose of worship, do no bring earthly elements into it that are inappropirate. Keep God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit the complete focus.


1 comment:

Mehrad said...

Well, this is what they call Civil Religion. Probably, you can remember those old days where you had to salute the flag at school. Civil Religion has spread everywhere, and regrettably to churches as well. That's why you see American flag in the altars of most churches.